Jack spent Super Bowl Sunday at the hospital with mom and dad.
Around 2:00 Sunday afternoon Jack woke up coughing and vomiting violently and repeatedly, 7 or 8 times. He was losing consciousness and was very pale; Penny said his lips were grey. When Penny arrived at the emergency room the staff were all over him; they gave him an IV because he was dehydrated and gave him antibiotics. They ran a series of blood tests, a CT scan and X-rays of his stomach and lungs, which were a little cloudy, due either to pneumonia or the fact that he may have swallowed some vomit. He white blood cell count was up to 38 (it's supposed to be around 12).
Penny called me around 3:30 and our friend (and adopted little sister) Courtney came to work and covered for me so I could get to Evanston as soon as possible. The entire cab ride from downtown every possible scenario ran through my mind...always tempered by the mantra in my head, "He's ok."
I stopped at home to get Jack's pacifier and the scene I encountered gave me pause (and a small heart attack): Jack's crib was half-covered with vomit; more than I would have thought could come out of such a little guy. The bathroom looked like a crime scene - vomit on the floor and in the tub, and clothes (Penny's and Jack's) all over the place.
I arrived at the hospital around 4:15 and even though he had a tube in his arm and wires monitoring his pulse (and whatever else) my fear dissipated when he greeted me the way he always does, with a smile.
After a few hours he was feeling better, though he was in no mood to sleep, and they said he should stay overnight for observation. I ran home for some supplies, namely toothpaste, bottled water, a chicken Caesar salad. and some sweat pants for Penny because the ones she was wearing were covered in puke. Penny spent the night with him and I went home, thanks to a ride from Eddie, in blizzard conditions to care for our other child, Finley.
The next morning I arrived at the hospital with Penny's homemade sweet potatoes for Jack, and some rice cereal, which he ate like a champ. They ran some more tests and everything, including his color and demeanor, were back to normal. We were released around 4:30 and made it home before the evening rush hour
Apparently, it was something he ate. Still fucking scary though.