Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jack was not emotionally ready for bed tonight, though he was obviously exhausted (damn you cortisol!).

After we turned off the lights and I told him it was time for bed, he protested.  He said, "I don't want to be your friend anymore."  Needless to say, I was stung (not really, but I told him he'd hurt my feelings).  His face dropped and he became visibly sad, mirroring my (faux) sadness.  He slid toward me and, realizing my pain and trying to alleviate it, he said, "But I'm still here."  He slid a little closer.  "And I'm still gonna give you kisses."  He curled up against me, snuggled the top of his head into my chin.  "And I still wuv you."

Daddy is happy.  :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Time tunnel? Nope. Just a sculpture (albeit a pretty cool one) in Touhy Park.
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It was such a long summer, one of the hottest ever. The downshift to Fall has been abrupt, but is a very welcome change.

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Babies get to do all the fun stuff. What would happen if I took a bath in the kitchen?

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Beautiful Penelope.
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Jack recently found my dad's toolbox.  It's been sitting in the garage since we moved in 13 months ago.  I think I used a screwdriver around New Year's eve.  I, to say the least, am not "handy."  I'm not incompetent, but I'm far from skilled.  Jack seems to have an affinity for tools, usually using them for banging or digging (no matter their intended purpose).  It kept his attention for nearly two hours.

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Saturday, September 04, 2010

Jack's first full day of preschool at the Lycee Francais Chicago.

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