Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Penny and I took a huge step forward in our relationship today. We bought cell phones together. That’s right – we’re now on a “Family Plan.” It’s been said that you don’t recognize the most important times in your life as they are happening…but I want to acknowledge to the world that I now know what it feels like to share everything with another person. Cell phones; what could be bigger than that?

But seriously…we had our first meeting about the wedding. We met with Chef O and discussed some of the basics of what we want our party to be like. Some of the best times in most our lives revolve around family and food: holiday dinners, summer barbecues, picnics…and we want to have those same feelings at our reception.

It’s probably asking too much that a wedding reception be indicative of what we want our life together to be like. What’s an appropriate metaphor when you want everyone to know that you recognize the traditions that make you happy, while indicating how you want your life together to feel? What does our choice of side dishes say about our love?

We want everyone to be comfortable. We want everyone to be full. We just aren’t sure if we want a big cake or cupcakes. No one said this was going to be easy.

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