Wednesday, December 07, 2005

And the plot thickens.

Robert wrote to me and said, "This is from a buddy of mine who is G.I.A. certified, holds a degree in geology from Skidmore, and who's family has owned a very successful jewelry business on Jewelers Row for years. If he says this is bullshit, it’s bullshit.”

While discussing this at work (yes, it has consumed my entire life over the last 72 hours or so) someone brought up the religious implications and we all wondered what different faiths (and sects within those faiths) might have to say about it. I couldn’t help but wonder what this might mean for people who believe in eternal souls…having your “spirit” captured in a rock, like those bad guys at the beginning of Superman II. I’m thinking about going into the cremation diamond business. Maybe I could call it General Zod and Co.

Robert's friend's conclusion was, "What a crock!!"

Curiouser and curiouser.

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